A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2206

Chapter 2206


Dylan, sensing her distraction, looked down at her.

Laura had made an effort with her makeup tonight.

Her face appeared clear and radiant, her thick lashes making her more like a doll, adding to her tender look.

Dylan reached out, taking her hand gently.

“We can leave if you’re uncomfortable here,” he whispered.

Laura shook her head.

There was no need to flee.

She and Edwin shared a past, true, but it was history now.

Encountering each other in Duefron, which was neither too large nor too small a city, was inevitable.

She couldn’t hide every time their paths crossed.

Dylan, understanding her stance, didn’t press further. He continued to hold her hand, noticing it was cold.

Without a word, he removed his jacket and draped it over her shoulders.

Laura offered him a soft smile, their eyes meeting Edwin’s for a brief moment.


Edwin watched her, and then averted his gaze as Vanessa leaned in, commenting on the next auction item.

“It’s Laura’s design! Edwin, you should support her; you’re almost like a younger brother to her after all,” Vanessa said with a light smile, looking at the delicate and beautiful conch shell pendant created by Laura.

Edwin, however, was not fond of such comparisons.

Edwin, patting his trousers, remarked, “Her designs are always in demand. Remember, you wanted her to design your wedding dress half a year ago. Or have you forgotten?”

Vanessa, feeling a bit embarrassed, fell silent.

Edwin continued, asserting his place in Laura’s life, “If she does call me, it would only be as her older brother, nothing less.”

Vanessa, deciding not to embarrass herself further, clenched her fingers and remained quiet.

At that moment, the auctioneer introduced the pendant, starting the bidding at 1.2 million.

The pendant was exceptional, featuring a striking purplish-pink conch shell at its center, surrounded by small diamonds dazzling Like stars in the sky, creating a fascinating vibe.

As the bids began, someone offered 1.3 million, but Edwin quickly upped it to 1.5 million. That bidder countered with 1.8 million, likely motivated by his wife’s admiration for the piece.

Edwin, who typically would have stepped back in such situations, surprisingly bid 3 million this time.

